How to Clean a Coffee Maker


Over time, the build-up of coffee residue and mineral deposits can affect the taste of coffee and clog parts of the coffee maker. If you don’t clean the coffee basket and other parts often, you may find that your coffee is getting more and more bitter. If you don’t clean it, your coffee maker will work more and more slowly. Clean coffee pots and bottles with this easy way to remove buildup inside the machine.

How Often to Clean a Coffee Maker

After each use, you should clean your coffee maker, remove coffee grounds, and wash the coffee basket, lid, and coffee bottle. A deep descaling cleaning should be performed at least every three months to remove mineral deposits.

If you have hard water (water with a high mineral content) in your home, or if you tend to fill your coffee maker’s water tank with a rinsed water bottle (not cleaned), the residue may build up faster. In this case, monthly cleaning is recommended.

Some coffee machines have an audible or visible cleaning signal, usually before a forced shutdown. You can avoid downtime with proactive maintenance. Other breweries have a cleaning cycle setup, which is usually detailed in the manual. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s detailed cleaning instructions.

Why You Need to Clean Your Coffee Maker

Of course, the coffee machine is the king of the kitchen, and they heroically brew a cup of coffee for our mornings. But they are also warm and humid environments. Any idea what kind of plants like to grow in such conditions? Dirty stuff, which is why your coffee maker may be full of mold.

In addition to this, coffee machines accumulate minerals. This is because most water contains calcium, magnesium, and sodium minerals. While these minerals are good for our bodies, they leave a residue that ruins your machine and your morning cup.

Signs You Need to Clean Your Coffee Maker

Coffee Maker

Not sure if you need to clean your coffee maker? There are clear signs that it is time to do so. Here are some.

  • Your regular coffee tastes weird.
  • It takes longer than before to boil a pot of water.
  • Your coffee maker will make noise, but it won’t brew.
  • Your coffee maker is louder than usual.
  • Your coffee machine is full of coffee.

How to Clean a Coffee Maker

If you use your coffee maker every day, plan to clean it once a month. Occasional coffee drinkers may only need to drink it every three to six months. However, if you notice noticeable buildup around the pot or basket, or if your coffee doesn’t taste good, it’s time to clean your coffee pot.

A. What You Need

  • Coffee maker
  • White distilled vinegar
  • Water
  • Coffee filters
  • Cleaning cloth

B. How To Clean

Clean a Coffee Maker

  • Step 1: Fill a coffee pot with vinegar and water.

To clean the coffee pot, first, pour a 50% mixture of white distilled vinegar and water into the coffee pot. If your coffee maker has a particularly heavy buildup, you can increase the ratio of vinegar to the water. Not only does vinegar sanitize coffee pots and bottles, but it also dissolves any accumulated mineral deposits.

  • Step 2: Brew and steep.

Place the filter in the basket and turn on the brewer. About halfway through the brew, turn off the coffee pot and let the remaining vinegar solution soak in the coffee pot and reservoir for 30 to 60 minutes, depending on how much buildup you need to remove.

  • Step 3: Complete the cycle and rinse with water.

Turn the coffee maker back on and let it complete the brew cycle. If you have filter paper, throw away the filter paper and pour out the vinegar solution.

Now you can get the smell and taste of vinegar out of the coffee pot. Fill the reservoir with fresh water, place a strainer in the basket, turn on the coffee maker, and let it complete the brew cycle. Remove the filter, pour out the water, and repeat the second cycle with clean water. Wipe the coffee pot and coffee pot with a clean cloth.

How to Clean A Dirty Coffee Pot

If your coffee maker starts to develop a dark brown film, or if you forget about it and the bottom is burnt, it’s not that hard to clean.

  • With lemon and salt: Fill a pot with water and pour it out. Then sprinkle the bottom with enough kosher salt (Epsom, kosher, or even rock salt) to cover the junk. Cut the lemon in half, wipe it clean with the cut side, then wash with hot soapy water.
  • One tablet of detergent: If you prefer to keep your hands off, put one tablet from the dishwasher into a pot and fill it with boiling water. Wait an hour, take out the trash, and rinse until no soapy water is visible.

Cleaning your coffee maker not only helps it work better, but it also brews better-tasting coffee.

Tips to Keep Your Coffee Maker Cleaner Longer

  • Use demineralized water when brewing coffee.
  • If you’re filling a water bottle with a water bottle, do this only if you wash the water bottle with hot, soapy water after each use.
  • Don’t leave wet, used coffee grounds in the coffee maker for any length of time, or you could grow mold, yeast, or bacteria.
  • K-Cup brewers, like Keurig machines, require a thorough, detailed cleaning to remove any coffee residue left on the impact pins and to clean the brewer. Follow the manufacturer’s detailed instructions.

Final Words

The coffee machine must be cleaned regularly. Don’t think it’s troublesome to clean the coffee machine. In fact, it’s very simple and necessary. If you want to drink mellow coffee every time, take more patience to clean it.

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